To enroll your student for the 2021-22 school year click on the link below.
Charter High School is a public charter school that does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, gender, national origin, or religion. Roots Charter High School (RCHS) admissions and transfer policies comply with the Utah Code 53A-1a506.5.
RCHS serves 300 students in 9th grade through 12th grade. RCHS will fill its student enrollment based on the following priority:
RCHS serves 300 students in 9th grade through 12th grade. RCHS will fill its student enrollment based on the following priority:
- Open Enrollment - Once a student has been admitted to the school through an appropriate process, he or she may remain in attendance through subsequent grades. A new applicant for admission to the charter school, however, would be subject to the lottery if, as of the open enrollment closing date, the total number of applicants exceeds the number of spaces available at the school. Open Enrollment dates will be publicly announced and will adhere to Utah State Statute.
- Lottery Selection - A lottery is a random selection process by which RCHS admits applicants. RCHS will use a lottery if, during the open enrollment period, more students apply for admission to the charter school (in any grade) than can be admitted. During a public meeting, an accepted lottery process will be used to select students. The random drawing will begin with 12th grade, proceeding down through 9th, and each student is assigned a number identifying the order in which they are drawn. Following the lottery preferential enrollment is addressed. Afterwards classes are filled to capacity using the sequence obtained from the lottery drawing.
- Enrollment will be as follows: Seniors (12th grade) 50 students, Juniors (11th grade) 50 students, Sophomores (10th grade) 50 students, Freshman (9th grade) 50 students.